One of the best ways to get closer to the peace and tranquility that Miraestels enjoys is through meditation.
If you want to learn to meditate you must bear in mind that this process requires patience and a lot of dedication, but it is worth it since its effects are really satisfactory.
That is why many people today decide to lead a more lucid life thanks to the clairvoyance and emotional connection offered by meditation.
Through the union between soul and body you are aware of the physical and mental sensations you are experiencing the moment you allow yourself to stop, breathe and visualize. And it is time to let go of burdens and tensions to embrace the relaxation that allows you to unite with your own essence.
In this new path that you are beginning, one of the key factors that can help you disconnect from your daily routine is the music you select. Everyone knows that achieving a state of full consciousness is very difficult, as it is difficult to keep the mind blank and not be carried away by everything that torments you.
However, choosing the right music could get you into a trance in which you only concentrate on BEING and FEELING, leaving aside thinking and acting, and thus be able to manage your emotions more efficiently.
Music, nature and meditation, perfect union towards self-knowledge
With this in mind, listening to songs from nature is a great way to flow and create a relaxed atmosphere. The breeze of the sea, the rain that falls harmoniously or the sound of some animals is undoubtedly what you need to access that haven of peace that is only and exclusively within you.
Basically because nature is what makes you go back to your center, meet your roots and discover that you are part of a harmonious universe that has been created to give and receive, so you must give much importance to live in the present moment.
On the other hand, Zen music also helps you achieve that mental balance during meditation. These are sounds that are able to inspire you and move you to other more exotic places where you can connect 100% with yourself from that love that does not understand judgments.
In the same way you can listen to those songs that you have known for a long time but still manage to move some emotion in you. This way, it will be easier for you to identify exactly how you feel at that moment so that you can get to know yourself a little better.
Music is a very useful resource to begin this personal journey as special and rewarding as meditation is.
Accompany it with a soundtrack that makes you really vibrate inside to achieve that physical and mental well-being that you crave so much.
Let yourself be seduced by the sounds of nature, life and other cultures to embark on the most important journey you will ever make: that of self-knowledge.
“Life without music would be a mistake” (Nietzsche).